sábado, 25 de julio de 2015


Buenas tardes muchachos de los grados Octavos. Adjunto esta el libro para que los del grado 8-2 tengan leído todo el primer capitulo de la primera parte, a partir de la introducción. Recuerden que también deben llevar hecha la lectura anterior con la actividad desarrollada ya que sacare dos notas de ambas lecturas. Deben llevar la lectura anterior junto con la actividad fotocopiada e igualmente la primera parte del libro.

Gracias. Buen fin de semana!!!


martes, 14 de julio de 2015


Buenas noches muchachos de 8-1 y 8-2 aquí les dejo el taller de reading para su respectivo desarrollo por favor entregar para la próxima clase, lean atentamente para poder contestar las preguntas.Gracias.

martes, 7 de julio de 2015


Para los muchachos de los grados 8-1 y 8-2 que no tienen el Libro In Sync, para la proxima clase es decir los de 8-1 para el Martes 14 de Julio y los muchachos de 8-2 para el Lunes 13 de Julio  llevar la fotocopia de las paginas 100 y 101 sin resolver. Gracias!!!


Buenas tardes muchachos de 8-1 y 8-2, envío el taller de Comparativos y Superlativos para su respectivo desarrollo. Se debe entregar el Lunes 14 de Julio para el grado 8-2, es decir la próxima clase. Lean bien cada enunciado para que no cometan errores. Tanto los Adjetivos Comparativos y Superlativos que se encuentran en la parte superior de cada enunciado los deben ubicar en los espacios con las terminaciones correspondientes osea, deben aplicarles las reglas que vimos el dia de ayer Viernes .....Se me cuidan..Bendiciones!!!


1. Complete the following sentences with the correct Comparative form of the words.

bad        important     crowded     good          high        heavy        convenient  difficult
cheap       expensive        quiet         easy       thin       healthy        dangerous       cold

1In Canada, January is  ___________________ than March.
2. I think that good health is ____________________ than money.
3. I can’t carry my suitcase. It’s much __________________ than yours.
4. I can afford to buy a new bike but not a new car. A car is ______________________ than a bike.
5. You look ______________________ than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?
6. I couldn’t get a seat in the restaurant. It was _________________________ than usual.
7. Mountains are __________________________ than hills.
8. He got a very good mark on his exam. The exam was ____________________ than he  had expected.
9. You should go to the doctor . Your cold is _________________________ than it was a few days ago.
10. There is a lot of crime in the big cities. They are ___________________than the small town where I live.
11. I don’t study understand this lesson. It is ______________________ than the last one we did.
12. I can’t study in this room. It’s too noisy. I’m going to find a ___________________________ place.
13. Our apartment is far from everything. We want  to move to a _________________________ location.
14. Orange juice is ___________________________ than Coke.
15. The store is having a great sale today. Most televisions are 25%____________________ than they were.
16. The doctor told me that I can go back to work if I feel _____________________ tomorrow.

2. Complete the following sentences with the correct Superlative form of the words.

funny     high        delicious     easy        cold     boring       lucky        smart
dirty          rich       valuable        bad         large       cheap      long        scary

1. Yesterday was ___________________ day of the year. I almost froze to death walking home from school!
2. That was ______________________________ movie I’ve ever seen. I almost walked out in the middle.
3. Please give me your recipe. That is ______________________________ cake I’ve ever eaten.
4. Jerry is _____________________________ student in our class. He gets the top grades in every course.
5. Bod told ____________________________________ story last night. I couldn’t stop laughing.
6. Whales are _________________________________________ animals in the world.
7. The Nile is _______________________________________ river in the world.
8. Marie is ______________________________ person I know. She has won the lottery four times!
9. He is _____________________________ speaker I have ever heard. Half the audience fell asleep during his speech.
10. Mount Everest is _________________________________ mountain in the world.
11. That is ______________________________ painting in the art gallery. It’s worth a million dollars.
12. Bill Gates is one of ____________________________________ men in the world.
13. I finished the exercise in five minutes. It was __________________________ homework the teacher has ever given us.
14. Arthur hates to clean. He has ____________________________ apartment  I’ve ever seen.
15. My dinner only cost $6.00. That must be ______________________________ restaurant in town.
16. I was afraid to turn lights night. That was ___________________________________  show   I’ve ever watched.